2025 Fitz Spelling Bee Team - article thumnail image

2025 Fitz Spelling Bee Team

On January 15, 2025, GGUSD held the 37th Annual Intermediate School Spelling Bee Championship. Joaquin Ablis, Joel Herrera, Roman Lopez, and Victoria Ruiz represented Fitz against the 40 best spellers in our entire district. All four of them made it through challenging rounds and we are very proud of them. 

We are extremely pleased to announce that Joaquin Ablis finished FIFTH overall and that Roman Lopez was our impressive THIRD PLACE WINNER! This means that both Joaquin and Roman will represent Fitz in the Orange County Spelling Bee later this year. We wish them luck!  (The winner of the OC Spelling Bee receives a free trip to Washington D.C. to attend the National Spelling Bee!)

Great job, spellers! We are proud of how hard these Falcons worked to represent our school!  Please check out this article in the Falcon Flyer to see how this team came together and what it took to compete.


Here are the top spelling Falcons who made up our Spelling Bee Team for 2025:

Joaquin Ablis, Joel Herrera, Roman Lopez, Victoria Ruiz, and Evelyn Vuong

A big shout-out to Mrs. Hudson for putting the team together and helping them prepare.